Wow. If Western Kentucky loses they got hosed. Nothing is going right for them and the officials made the worst call I've ever seen. Went to replay and still got it wrong.
I walk to the car, try to metaphorically wipe the bird crap off my shoulders and contemplate how my bankroll got severely lightened on the day. I recall the fun hands where I got hurt, such as the one when I raised preflop and got a few callers. Flop was 882. I fire out an almost pot size bet and I get a caller. Turn is another 2. I make the same bet and get a call. River is 6 or so. I check, he checks. I show 99. Dealer is about to hand me the pot as he shows 7-2. He points to the deuce for her benefit and the turned full house. At first I think he's doing it for me rubbing it in a bit. My frustration is evident and I fire him a look, then I realize who is dealing, and see that she still almost swept me the pot. She of the 8 deals per 30 minutes and two mistakes per down. You know who she is. The dealer you are suprised to see every time you play there thinking she'd be fired. Still, I wanted to be angry at the dude as even though he wasn't showing me up he was destroying ...
Neuroeconomics - What? I'm always interested in why people make decisions. How many times have you seen an opponent who otherwise seems completely rational act entirely irrational. Apparently, this is a human trait and it confounds economists. For a while there was a thought that certain animals would make better investors and game players than humans. Well, the decisions of poker players or guys who make online sports betting decisions can be equally as irrational. So basically, the neurologists and economists got together and started comparing notes on what happens in a huge system (on a macro level) and inside one person's head (probably as micro as you can get). Here's a cursory overview . Definitely a topic I'm going to read a little more into when I get time. TED Talks - while I'm trying to appear brainy, I'm in love with TED talks. For the last year I've downloaded their talks onto my iPod and watch them before going to sleep most nights. If you hav...