Poker Hands... Run Good (Bachelor Party), Run Bad (Wedding), Run Away Part II

Sorry, seems like every time I start to do a post on poker hands I go in every direction but the poker. Alright, following up the Bachelor party post after I went on a rant about BP and the attornys. After ACME Oyster house we started to plot out our evening. There was some discussion about casino poker in our future but not just yet.

Some of them were a little uneasy and said they need to Learn Texas Holdem before playing. I was really feeling like putting on a workshop during a bachelor party so I suggested we wait til the very end of the evening. As we walked I talked with the other guy on the Bachelor party I didn’t know who was a dentist and he told me about how he made the move from Mid-City to Old Metaire and his practice exploded. He was able to raise prices and not deal with people not willing to pay him. As a self-avowed life Nit I was a little disappointed to know he once provided the same quality work for a much lower price but I kept him in mind for my next appointment.

I liked him because he was a nice guy, who told me a story about getting decked in the mouth as a teenager. He used to have a good deal of fight in him. He ended up losing his front four top teeth. He told me how he tried to hide that from his parents and he got away with it for a few days before they figured it out. I couldn’t imagine somebody being able to hide the loss of their top few teeth from me for any amount of time. Anyway, that experience which was one of the worst in his life, taking that punch and the repercussions that came with it (much less the concussion), actually drew him to dentistry.

He had no idea what he wanted to do before that and at an age where you are supposed to know what you want to do, he was enamored by the work his dentist did to fix him up, and he decided he wanted to do the same thing. The fact that getting decked became his motivation for becoming a dentist just goes to show you even your most painful experiences can end up being great for you later in life. When you work out you can’t grow muscle without tearing them apart first. I think you don’t grow in any aspect in life without dealing with hardship first. Those who get it handed to them often don’t keep it.

Okay, so the group of guys on the bachelor party were a solid group and though none of us were young enough to take the party as crazy as we might have 10 years ago, we did make sure the bachelor had a good time. We hit Tropical Isle and had a couple of hand grenades which I always swear I’ll never drink again and I always do. That grapefruit is just so unsettling the next day especially when you inhale half a pack of second hand smoke just drinking it. There was a famous fiddler, some young girl… Sarah something playing and the entire crowd were saying what a treat it was to have her there. She was a good fiddler.

Later, I saw her on a commercial for channel two that WB, UPN network whatever it is called. So I guess she’s famous. Can you tell I’m out of the loop? We went to one of the establishments on Bourbon street and I just hate strip clubs, I have to say. To me I always feel bad for the girls and imagine everything going on in their life to get them up on a pole. Just the whole thing feels like rubbing up on a dude in a pickup basketball game who is sweating like Patrick Ewing. The game might be fun but the carwash drenching is just so skeevy it’s almost hard to enjoy.


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