Busy, Busy Week of Pokering

Alright the IP Poker Classic or whatever this tournament series with 4, that's right count 'em, 4 World Series of Poker seats to give away is called, is starting on Wednesday night. The first buy-in is a peppy hundo for the 7 pm Texas Holdem poker poker tournament. The second day is a noon start with a $230 buy-in. Course they also toss in a 10k WSOP seat, so there is going to be an overlay regardless. I'll be there for both events, so too publisher John Price is right.

Next week we'll be having some totally free t-shirts to hand out for the magazine and possibly some other freebies we'll be drawing raffle style via email submissions.

On our facebook page is the cover to our latest issue. We up the page count by 50%, got a new cover style, and got some great advertisers we hope you guys will thank by giving them some business. Special thanks to Jacob N, Captain Ron, J. Little, and the rest of ya'll that made the magazine happen.

Really great the local poker community and its supporters are behind us. Please let us know what you'd like in the magazine and ways we can improve it. We are all ears, and really want this magazine to be everything you guys want it to be. If we are going in a bad direction let us know. Also, submit to us story ideas and coverboy suggestions we are all for it.

From the start we decided that we want to improve with every issue we can make. It's going to be a hard slog but we definitely done that from issue one to issue two. We aren't even worried about drawing a profit yet, but hope one day too. As long as we can at least break even AND improve we are going to do it.

At the same time we've noticed the wide open niche in our area we hoped to fill has suddenly become crowded. Rounder Magazine is back and Florida's Ante Up magazine is popping up in local places. Both are good reads. We hope to provide our region's readers with something a little bit different than those mags and hope there is room for all of us.

Our next issue we'll continue with the upgrade on the redesign and get the insides stylized in GCP fashion. Shoot me an email if you want to advertise with us and make it happen!

Okay, beyond that I talked to one of our bloggers recently about bad beats and how the internet kind of makes you desensitized to them in live play. You play so many online poker hands and you can't help but see everything. That being said, I thought I felt it all, but I've yet to fade the fabled runner-runner must be those two and only those two exact cards. That's the last bad beat for me endure. I joked about flopping sets with rockets and still losing but even then it's to flush draws or straight draws.

After that conversation another GCP blogger, SouthPaw Rounder shot me an email with the bad news. Yeah, he had AA, flopped an Ace and then got crippled. What was he up against? Pocket fives. Worse here was the action: SPR reraised a bet, and multi-way called pot. The flop was aj7 or some such nonsense. SPR was checked to by his lone preflop caller. SPR fired a bet and he got checkraised.

This wasn't some dollar Sit and go this was deep in a lucrative multi-table tournament. For the conclusion of somebody else's bad beat story and the differences between types of calls read my next post...


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