Poker and Dominos... Vacation Continued

So, back to my tale, an interinant poker player who somehow vacation in a resort without wi-fi. Makes it hard to play poker online. I guess that's a real poker bad beat. Anyway, I was in the middle of everybody's least favorite subject... somebody else's kid. Mine... So bare with me. We were at the Polynesian resort for the day.

I suspect the fact everybody had already departed after they had their kids participate in a parade with the characters around the restaurant we were playing catch-up. I get it but every year I go to Disney World I feel more and more like a piece in a assembling line being bundled about the park experiencing things more in a fast food type manner than in a long relaxing dinner (proof enough in the hurried aftermath of the breakfast).

We contemplated getting a ticket for the rest of the day at the park. Disney doesn’t offer reduced rates and we had to really decide if it was going to be worth 70 to 90 bucks a head for half a day. Given that we still had a 2 hour+ drive back to Venice we wouldn’t even be able to reap late night hours, we didn’t do it.

After shopping at the Disney mall type thing on the Boardwalk in the simmering heat we decided we made the right decision. And besides how much can you really do with a ten month old in Disney World. Granted he’s a brave little man, but there will be time enough for him to visit in the future. It was still a great diversion.

Speaking of brave almost walking children, we took in the entire fireworks display including the drunk idiots letting their children haphazardly shot them off on the plot of beach next to us, for the fourth of July. The kid in my arms didn’t get scared he just watched the big explosions and colors in amazement and then 15 minutes into the 20 minute display fell asleep in my arms.

He packed in a lot of firsts that trips and him being there made it a lot of fun. We took him in the water and let him dig in the sand. Fairly sure, the boy who shares my fair complexion is now a beach fiend. Every morning when we’d put his swimsuit on he’d start dancing and cooing in anticipation. He probably also became a ham on the trip. He had all the attention of everybody there and found out just what made everybody laugh and repeated it.

Our shy boy went from staring at strangers to now smiling, flirting and laughing at them and getting disappointed when anybody he sees isn’t enchanted by him. He was on attention deficit shock when we took off for home and quickly made anybody and everybody his new audience.

His parents, two introverts by nature, are coming to grips with all the people he charms into coming over to say hi. In some respects it’s a cool thing, like anybody we love to hear people compliment our child, but in other respects it can get a little uncomfortable. I used to avoid the busy times at the dog parks because of all the banal chatter you’d have to engage in with their other owners. That and my female dog would try and hump every dog there to try and show her dominance. The fact that most dogs are either drastically larger or smaller than she is makes that a less than fun experience.

So, I’ve noticed the types of people we meet fall into a few categories.

Grandmothers. They are always super nice with a smile for the child and a compliment to us. They all remind us it goes too quick. First time somebody told me that I was a freshman in highschool. A senior girl forlornly told me how fast school would pass me by, I was just thinking about how long it would take until I got my drivers liscense which felt like an eternity.

To be continued in my next post...


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