Poker Update

Just going to cover some poker topics before I go back into peeling back the skin of my tortured self ie finish off the Duce story, tell he Dollar Bill Jefferson tale and let spill some more weird items from my pysche.

-The WPT was just purchased for $9 million. You can win that at the WSOP Main Event. That's almost a joke. You'd think there would be more value in the brand name then just $9 million. Technically, there is. Gaymnia purchased part of the WPT with the selling parties still owning a good chunk of it, and actually using the $9 million to fund non-poker related projects. WPT... World Poker Tour... needs funding for non poker related projects. Right... World POKER Tour... raising capital for NONpoker events. Anybody else scratching their head about this?

Word is a lot of Gaymnia's efforts will be in capitalizing on the WPT brand for creating (or recreating) an online poker site. Just as the WSOP has been moving in that direction. Kind of the inverse of when bwin was interesting in the site. They wanted to use the WPT tournaments, allegedly, to build their "bwin - play poker online" brand. Incidentally, their poker blog has some details about the upcoming APT Macau event. Seats still available.

For a while I thought the

-The November Nine is one again, a marketing let-down. What happened to the months of build up? We got the golden boy Phil Ivey in the final nine and I've seen absolutely zero mainstream interest. Saw this compared to Tiger Woods on the back nine of a major... we'll see about that. Phil isn't exactly the type to search out publicity and the further away he gets from the WSOP probably the less inclined he is to get up from whatever table game he's at at the moment.

BTW, Andy Bloch has to pay Phil Ivey 2 million if Ivey wins it all. I know Phil Gordon is on the hook too, albeit for a lesser amount. This guy could make a living just on making prop bets on himself. Wonder when he'll make an online prop bet similar to the durrrr challenge just to challenge himself and then bankrupt the online players as he seems to be doing to the live players.

-Might steal away to the coast midweek. Hope to get some hands in and maybe some tournaments. Don't know if I'll start the magical mystery tour with entry into the donkley or not. What am I saying of course I will.

-Thinking about trying my hand at powerpokerclub. Wish they had an internet feed in the delivery room. Online poker, the birth of my child, and probably divorce papers all on one day.

-Oh yeah, we are getting together an order of sweatshirts and stuff for the Gulf Coast Poker Championship. If you are interested fire me an email and I'll get some stuff made.


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