Suspicions confirmed...

The legdrop has landed...

Benoit strangled his wife on Saturday.
He likely put a pillow over his sleeping kid on Sunday.
He hung himself on Monday.

What's next...
The wife's boyfriend will be unveiled soon.
WWE will make numerous statements about this to the press trying to take the highroad (though the true highroad would be to distance themselves from the tragedy completely).
Vince McMahon will be on all the talk shows defending the wrestlers livestyles this will be on the front burner.
Next week will be a tribute to the deceased wife and son.


GeneD said…
Dude...I think Mcmahon is in the middle of some death fiasco as one of the scripts. I think something about his limo was bombed...or something
C.S. said…
Yes. Read the below post. He was receiving all kinds of criticism from the press for staging his fake death two weeks ago with his limo exploding. Since then Sheri Martel died and now this Chris Benoit tragedy. Basically fact is better than fiction and he's going to run with it and make as much money as he can from it. He's like an internet domain squatter. Lowest of the low.
C.S. said…
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Step one...
BullFeathers said…
I find this matter unseemley. I will add you to my notations.
bubble boy said…
Hey C.S. good article on the chris beniot tradgey that you posted before this one. Everthing made alot of since and i feel 100% the way you feel. They made him out to look like a fallen hero when really he isn't. I liked him alot as a wrestler but they should have waited until they got the full story. Hell, when iheard they were all dead i even knew something like this is probably what happen. Anyway good piece and tell buulfeathers to take a hike, and I will make a notation of that. That dude is an iddiot

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