Ultimate (losing) Bet. Thanks to Cornell Fiji of 2+2 for this wrap-up. It's long but it's thorough. Follow the link below for the rest. Cliffnotes, UB a cousin of Absolute Poker, who had their scandal last year, at around the same time had some guys KILLING it in high stakes poker. Like never missing a bet, only folding losers and value betting the thinnest of margins. It was like they could see the cards. Well they could. Some highlights... 1. This Rorsach test spot (I see a guy a in a robe being attacked by bees)... Here's a graphical representation of the abusdity of the Absolute Poker cheater's success, which the shared parent company of UB, said was not suspicious. Left side is money voluntarily put into the pot (doesn't count blinds). Bottom axis is Big Blinds won or lost over 100 hands. Running up through the middle of that blue ink spot is zero, to the left is losers, to the right is winners. Two things of note, the more you trend upward in Volunta...