Vegas Day Two: First Tournament, Long Walks, Batman and Streetscum
After a decent night's rest, yesterday morning I sought out a Starbucks and like most things on the strip, just because you can see it doesn't mean it's close by. Add in 108 degree heat and a quick walk devolves into something else. Everybody talks about dry heat, but 100+ degrees is 100+ degrees. When you are on foot it's so hot part of you hopes the asphalt doesn't melt and slowly absorb you. It's always a guantlet just going a city block trying to stave off the ever present horde of flier hander-outers. If you walk outside every half block you'll feel the cold tractor beam pull of streetside casinos as their wide open doors offer promise of a much cooler place. Those smart casinos blast their AC on to the strip. No amount of neon can compare to the efficacy of drawing in customers as a well positioned air flow. I almost wonder if the casinos hire the guys on the strip with the handouts to chase the tourists inside too. Maybe the s...